Travelling Solo

Travelling Solo

Many people find travelling alone a new experience. It may be fun but at the same time risky and scary. The traveler doesn’t really know what to expect. However, travelling solo is one of the greatest experience many have felt.

Here are some benefits of travelling solo:

  1. More flexibility. When you’re standing at a crossroad, there’s no one you need to discuss with to which direction you should proceed. You can take this literally or metaphorically. You do not need to consult other people when it comes to travel decision. This adds more flexibility to your travel experience because there’s only one person you have to take to account and that is you.
  2. Saving more time. You won’t have to spend time negotiating and discussing where and when to go. This is true when travelling with a group, you spend a lot of time talking on where to go next. Time consuming conflicts when travelling in a group is greater. This occurs when the group don’t agree on some things and issues. Travelling alone gives you the come and go, wherever and whenever you want it without wasting time in dealing with your co travelers.
  3. You’re more open to strangers. When travelling alone, you’re more vulnerable and more receptive. This is often picked up by other travelers and the local people. This makes it easier for them to approach you. This can open up your door to meeting new people and adventure. It sets you up to connect with other people in a broader sense.
  4. More time for Introspection. Since you spend a lot of time by yourself, you have more time to search the soul and reflect on life. Travelling alone is a great opportunity to do this.